There are several Internet service providers have tariff plans that would limit the bandwidth each customer can use each month before additional fees kick in. Usually the additional use rate is very high and not worth paying for it. So either you are using a limited bandwidth plan without abusing it or just get the unlimited data plan for the use of bandwidth.
The most common problems with the use of limited bandwidth, when your family and other members as well use it. Your friends can download many programs and other programs on the Internet and bandwidth ends very quickly, etc. Another problem when one uses the Internet heavily such as downloading from Bittorrent, it's almost impossible to have a nice surfing experience on the other.The best way is to limit the Internet bandwidth by using traffic software.
There are several excellent bandwidth limiting software such as NetLimiter and SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager, but it is conditional. After a little searching, I found free software for traffic monitoring and capacity constraints. that traffic Shaper XP. Movement Shaper XP is the only free traffic software that is configured which is more suitable for users of the computer in advance. After installation, you must create rules to limit the Internet bandwidth. Just click the Add Rule Wizard button, and you can select which network adapter, manual (download or upload), ports, IP-address, and the speed limit. The best part about Traffic Shaper XP is after you have created arule, you can close the program and it will still continue to shape your Internet traffic. He will continue to monitor the Internet traffic in the background. You can get detailed information on how to use this traffic Shaper XP in Help menu. See below picture
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